Author: ipc_staging

Jan 2020

Consulta de la sociedad civil africana para la conferencia regional de la FAO

La próxima consulta de la sociedad civil africana para la 31ª...
Jan 2020

African Civil Society Consultation for the FAO Regional Conference

The next consultation of African civil society for the 31st FAO...
Nov 2019

Indigenous Peoples and Small-scale farmers conservation practices and initiatives need to be supported

The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty participated with three delegates...
Nov 2019

The International Seed Treaty at a crossroad: who wants the collapse?

Picture by IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis Report of the International Planning...
Jul 2019

Pan-African workshop on Strengthening Non-State Actors (NSA) platforms

  From 10 to 12 of July in Kasane, Botswana, the...
Jul 2018

CSOs Latin American and Caribbean Consultation on the implementation of farmers’ rights to Plant Genetic Resources for Food & Agriculture

The 40 participants representing farmers, indigenous, women and pastoralist organizations of...
Jun 2018

CSO Declaration at the 31st FAO Regional Conference for Europe and Central Asia

CSO Declaration at the 31st FAO Regional Conference for Europe and...
May 2018

CSOs Declaration at the 30th FAO Regional conference for Africa

Nous, les 36 représentants des petits et moyens agriculteurs, des femmes...