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Oct 2021

Handbook on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for small-scale fishing communities

Handbook on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for small-scale fishing communities...
Oct 2021

Civil Society Report on the use and implementation of the Tenure Guidelines

Synthesis Report on Civil Society experiences regarding the use and implementation...
Dec 2020

Ten Years of Nyéléni – Much to celebrate!

A decade ago, the movements of peasants, fisherfolk, shepherds, women, migrants,...
Dec 2020

SSF Guidelines and their implementation in Africa – Information Sharing Session 1

“Session 1 – The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries...
May 2018

CSOs Declaration at the 30th FAO Regional conference for Africa

Nous, les 36 représentants des petits et moyens agriculteurs, des femmes...
Jun 2016

People’s Manual on the Guidelines on Governance of Land, Fisheries and Forests

Download: ownload the Annex: Year of publication: 2016 Pages: #100 pp. Author:...
Mar 2016

Peasants give life to Biodiversity

We have shaped biodiversity for food and agriculture and it shapes...