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Jan 2024

Small-Scale Fishers overlooked at the 1st COFI Sub-Committee meeting

The inaugural session of the Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management unfolded virtually...
Jan 2024

The IPC at the 1st Sub-Committee on Fisheries

The IPC Working Group on Fisheries is participating in the 1st...
Dec 2023

Europe and North America promote biopiracy at the 10th ITPGRFA Governing Body

When we arrived at the FAO plenary room in Rome, we...
Nov 2023

World Fisheries Day 2023: time to realize small-scale fishers’ rights

Small-scale fishers are essential for feeding the world. Still, they are...
Oct 2023

Beyond World Food Day: time to join our efforts towards the achievement of Food sovereignty

The World Food Day is an occasion for small-scale food producers’...
Oct 2023

World Food Day 2023: mobilize with the Food Sovereignty movement!

Today on the World Food Day, we celebrate the crucial role...
Oct 2023

12 october: join the webinar on corporate capture

The International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) organises an online...
Jul 2023

Will the negotiations on plant genetic resources be able to break the deadlock?

A game of chess that has stalled for ten years. This...
Jul 2023

In Rome we fight seed industry and biopiracy

The IPC Working Group on Agrobiodiversity is in Rome to participate...
Jun 2023

Small-scale fishers from LAC region meet in Argentina

The member of the Regional Advisory Group for Latin America and...
May 2023

RAG Asia-Pacific: Days to reflect, unite and build change for fishers’ communities

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One year after their meeting in Bangkok in May 2022, the...
Dec 2022

The IPC fight for peasant biodiversity lands in Montreal for the COP15

The IPC daily briefing from COP15 COP15 End COP15 came excruciatingly...