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Mar 2022

The newly established Regional Advisory Group in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Regional Advisory Group are the regional extension of the Advisory...
Dec 2021

10th of December, Human Rights Day

IPC Working Group on Fisheries Statement Today, we celebrate Human Rights...
Dec 2021

The International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 (IYAFA)

What happened on 19 November 2021? On November 19, 2021 the...
Dec 2021

First SSF Youth activist School

On 15 November 2021 Masifundise hosted their very first SSF youth...
Nov 2021

21st of November; World Fishery Day – IPC Statement

Today, 21 November, is International Fisheries Day. We take this opportunity...
Oct 2021

Handbook on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for small-scale fishing communities

Handbook on Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for small-scale fishing communities...
Sep 2021

IPC WG on Fisheries statement on COVID-19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Small-scale fishing communities, like other small-scale food producers, have been particularly...
Jun 2021

World Ocean Week 2021

Sea is culture. Sea is life. Small-scale fishers from across the...
Jun 2021

Urgent measures required against catastrophic chemical spill in Sri Lanka

The Government, relevant agencies, and authorities must take immediate action to...
Jan 2021

Webinar – Implementing the SSF Guidelines: what we have learnt and what we need to do next

The Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in the Context...
Jan 2021

IPC Statements to COFI34

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On the eve of the 34th Session of the FAO Committee...