Facilitator: Eva Gamboa – Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Américas (ECMIA), Argentina
Latin America & Caribbean

Alternate: Alberto Broch – Confederación de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares del Mercosur Ampliado (COPROFAM), Brazil
Rodolfo Gonzalez Greco – Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo (CLOC – La Vía Campesina), Argentina
IPC organizations are
present and active in:
Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay, Venezuela
Our work in the region
Working space
In the region, the IP is represented by the Alianza por la Soberanía Alimentaria de los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe (Alliance for Food Sovereignty of the Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean). It brings together 23 regional and continental networks, movements and organizations, and 11 national organizations of peasants, artisanal fishing, family agriculture, rural workers, youth, indigenous peoples, afro-descendants, agroecological movements, human rights and environmentalists.
The Alianza emerges from a historical process of almost two decades of collective construction, which culminated with its foundation in March 2012 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It consolidated its commitment and the path to follow during its First Assembly on August 5 and 6, 2013 in Bogotá, Colombia.
What do we do?
Strategic axes:
- Food Sovereignty and the Right to Food
Defence of our Territories and struggle for a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Defence of our Biodiversity, patrimony of the people
Preservation of ancestral knowledge
Fighting climate change
Right to work, decent employment, and fair wage
Popular communication
Regional Consultation of the CSOs
The IPC Regional Process participates in the Steering Committee decided by CSOs, which is responsible to organize independently at the regional level the Regional Consultation of Civil Society Organizations.
These consultations are organized before the FAO Regional Conferences to work on a shared and common declaration to be read during the Conferences.
The CSOs participate as observers to the FAO Regional Conferences. The participants are decided among the different CSOs (IPC and non IPC organizations) present at the Consultation.
Last CSOs Regional Consultation
26 – 27 of March 2020 in Panama.
The 38th Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean will take place in two phases:
- Senior Officers Meeting (virtual) 11-13 March 2024
- Ministerial Session (Hybrid) 18-21 March 2024
Last CSOs Regional Consultation
VI Consulta y Conferencia Regional de los Pueblos, Movimientos Sociales y ONGs por la Soberanía Alimentaria y la Justicia Social, from the 31st of January to the 2nd of February 2018, Kuna Yala, Panama.
The 37th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean was held in Quito, Ecuador, 28 March‑1 April 2022