
Small-scale fisheries (SSF) communities and Indigenous Peoples have a unique bond with water, the element shaping their local culture and around which social and economic life revolves

About the Working Group

The IPC Working Group on Fisheries is a space of alliance, solidarity, and coordination, and a major global network representing small-scale fisher people and Indigenous Peoples from over 100 countries. The working group is composed of leaders from World Forum of Fisher Peoples (WFFP), World Forum of Fish Harvesters & Fish Workers (WFF), La Via Campesina (LVC) and International Indian Treaty Council (IITC). The Working Group is grassroots, self-determined network that creates spaces for dialogue, free from any external influence. It works to foster unity and solidarity among small-scale fishers.

The group is structured into different key components reflecting its engagement at the global and regional level.

VIDEO: Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the SSF Guidelines


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Participation in policy making processes

The FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI)

The FAO Committee on Fisheries is the only global inter-governmental forum where major international fisheries and aquaculture problems and issues are examined, and recommendations addressed to governments, regional fishery bodies, NGOs, fishworkers, FAO and the international community, periodically on a world-wide basis. Read more on our participation in the COFI 36.
The Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management is a space to provide essential technical and policy guidance on fisheries governance and management, in which the IPC organizations participate as observers. Read more on our participation in the 1st Sub-Committee on Fisheries Management

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The Global Strategic Framework in support of the implementation of the SSF Guidelines (SSF-GSF)

The organisations of the IPC Fisheries Working Group are part of the Advisory Group of the SFF-GSF (AG), along with IFAD and OHCHR. The role of the AG is to raise awareness on the SSF Guidelines and promote a human rights-based approach, give inputs on the implementation of the Guidelines at the national level, as well defining the criteria for its monitoring through a participatory process.

More on SSF-GSF (FAO Publication)

The SSF Summit

The IPC Fisheries Working Group has actively contributed to organizing the SSF Summit in both 2022 and 2024. This global platform brings together small-scale fisheries movements around the world to address governance and development challenges while strengthening the implementation of the SSF Guidelines. Designed by and for fisherfolk, the SSF Summit is an inclusive, non-technical space that facilitates engagement with governments and other key actors, serving as a crucial preparatory moment ahead of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI). It provides a unique opportunity for knowledge-sharing and coordinated action across regions. Our role is to shape the agenda through a consultative and participatory process with both IPC and non-IPC members, ensuring a politically relevant discussion and a free, safe space for small-scale fishers and Indigenous Peoples to make their voices heard.

More on SSF Summit (FAO Website)

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

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The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) of the FAO.

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The UN Decade on Family Farming (UNDFF)

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The Committee on World Food Security (CFS)

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Main issues

Marine genetic resources
Small-scale fisheries face many threats: industrial and destructive fishing practices, climate change, water contamination caused by mining, the proliferation of invasive species, large-scale infrastructure development, violence and persecution, water grabbing, privatization and exclusion of the natural resources on which they depend. Freshwaters and lakes (such as Atitlan, Guatemala) are affected to varying degrees by pollution that affects reproduction and causes genetic mutations. Women fishers, youth and indigenous peoples continue to be marginalized and struggle to participate meaningfully in policies for the sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems and to adapt their livelihoods and preserve their traditional cultures and skills, with all the socio-economic impacts associated with these major disruptions. (in collaboration with the IPC Working Group on Agriculture Biodiversity)
Blue economy
Seen as the formula for combining food production, environmental protection and economic gain, the so-called “Blue economy” refers to a series of economic practices that try to integrate the exploitation of natural resources with the preservation of the local ecosystems. Nevertheless, this solution fail to address the main problems related to the capitalistic management of the maritime resources, feeding the illusion of a green – blue in the present case – growth. Moreover, the development of this economic paradigm, and the practices it contains, has been done without the participation, or even the consultation, of the small-scale fisheries communities. Their ancestral knowledge is not valorized, nor are their traditions and their spiritual link with the ecosystems they are part of, both sacrificed to the altar of the economic gain.
Ocean grabbing
Defined by former UN Special Rapporteur for Right to Food Olivier De Schutter as a set of practices regrouping access agreements that harm small-scale fishers, unreported catch, incursions into protected waters, and the diversion of resources away from local populations, ocean grabbing is a major threat to our oceans. If unchallenged, it could lead to the significant impoverishment of the fishing reserves and the destructions of ecosystems. Small-scale fisheries communities are particularly affected, as they have to face international agreements systematically diminishing their exclusive fishing areas, compromising their survival and the culture that goes with it. The effects are not limited to the catch itself, as the also affect the complex and rooted post-harvest value chain that develops along the community, and in which women play a crucial role.

In the last decades, aquaculture has become the main source of aquatic food. This practice can also be found among local communities, yet it is with the development of the fisheries industrial sector that aquaculture has become an intensive breeding system. If carried out on a large scale and capital-intensive perspective, the result could be the exclusion of the small-scale fisheries from the market. Moreover, the nutrients needed for the intensive aquaculture are the result of intensive fishing or intensive GMO’s agriculture such in the case of soya, colza and sunflower.

Inland fisheries
Too often neglected in the international discussions, the internal waters fisheries provide work more than 60 million people and nutrition for their communities. Most of the internal waters fishery is located in developing countries, while its totality is practices through artisanal methods. Yet, despite his significant importance in certain regions, the effects of land grabbing and the direct and indirect pollution of the waters by extractive and industrial practices seriously endanger this kind of fishery.


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